Garage Door Repair
in Los Angeles

  • Residential and Commercial
  • Any Make of Gate or Garage Door
  • Only Licensed and Experienced Technicians
800 951 3062

Los Angeles Rock Garage Door Repair is

  • Family Owned Local Company
  • High Company Standards
  • Experienced Technicians
  • Licensed, Bonded and Insured
  • Lifetime Warranty for New Doors and Gates
  • Exceptional Customer Service
  • Partners with the best garage door brands
  • We can fix any brand or model

Rock Garage Door Repair is here to help!

Call us and get consulted by one of our experienced customer service representatives in Los Angeles.

  • If you have an emergency they will dispatch a team to you as soon as possible, because we are in Los Angeles.

  • If you have general questions or maintenance request we will come to you at your convenience.

  • We always strive to provide same day service

  • Our technicians carry spare parts with them,or they try to get whatever might be needed same day

  • We are Bonded, Insured and Licensed in Los Angeles

800 951 3062

Our Services in Los Angeles

  • Garage Door Installation or Replacement

    Good, well made and professionally installed garage door not only provides security to your house, but also increases your property value, it has highest return of investment than any other part go the house!

    We will help you to choose garage door based upon your design preferences, security needs and budget.

    800 951 3062
  • Gate Installation

    We specialize on installation of different types of driveways Residential or Commercial.

    We are licensed and bonded for Standart gates as well as Automatic Swing or Slide Gates. We offer wood, stone, iron, and composite automated gates.

    800 951 3062
  • General Maintenance
    and Service

    We inspect your garage door or gate to prevent future damages and if anything needs to be fixed or replaced we do that same visit. Our technicians carry most of the parts that might need to be replaced, in case we do nit have something, we are partners with most major brands, so we can get the part for you on the best price available.

    800 951 3062
  • Opener Repair
    and Replacement

    If your garage door isn’t opening or closing, it’s probably due to a faulty garage door opener. Often we can repair your opener for a fraction of what it would cost to replace it.

    If it is not the case we can replace it for you same day.

    800 951 3062
  • Garage Door Spring

    The average garage door can only open and close about 10,000 times before the strings give out.

    So, if your garage door springs got broken, we got you covered! We carry all parts in our trucks, so it can be done same day.

    800 951 3062
  • Commercial Gate
    and Garage Repair

    We specialize in commercial roll up garage doors sectional or Fire-Rated

    Commercial Doors. As well as we can fix or install scissor or overhead doors and we an help you with extra-wide security gates.

    800 951 3062


Carson Drew, Los Angeles
Garage Door Installation or Replacement is Garage Door Garage Door Garage Door Installation or Replacement is Garage


We are all over Los Angeles every day


Most commonly asked questions

How often should I get my garage door checked?

You should have your garage door serviced at least once a year if no other issues arise. Service technicians prolong the life of your garage door with preventative maintenance: lubricating areas of the door, tightening bolts and screws and adjusting spring tension.

Is it cheaper to repair or replace my garage door opener?

The cost to fix a garage door opener can vary greatly depending on how much it’s been damaged. Usually, a repair is much cheaper than replacing the opener entirely (barring extreme damage). Regardless of the situation, our technicians will always recommend the cheapest, most efficient option.

Does homeowner’s insurance cover garage door repairs?

While a garage door might be covered if it’s damaged in a qualifying way, this is rare. A lot of garage damage comes from natural wear and tear, something that’s rarely covered by homeowner’s insurance.

What are commercial garage doors?

Commercial garage doors (also known as industrial doors) are any garage doors used for a (typically larger) business function. A commercial garage door might be the steel door that opens up your company warehouse or even the door that lets people into the building in the morning.